June 16, 2016

EXTRA! Montana Newspaper Stories 1864-1922: Jeannette Rankin

An early champion of women’s rights, Jeannette Rankin was instrumental in the passage of women’s suffrage in Montana in 1914 and later, at the national level. An avowed pacifist, she is noted for voting against U.S. entry into both World War I and World War II. A statue of Rankin, inscribed "I Cannot Vote For War," stands in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall, and a copy stands in the Montana State Capitol in Helena, Montana.

Key dates

June 11, 1880—Born near Missoula, Montana.
1902—Graduates from the University of Montana.
November 1914—Full suffrage granted to women in Montana.
November 1916—Elected to U.S. House of Representatives.
November 1940—At age 60, again wins a seat in U.S. House of Representatives.
December 8, 1941—Casts the only vote against declaring war on Japan.
January 1968—Leads the Jeannette Rankin Brigade, a coalition of women’s peace groups, on a march in Washington, D.C.
May 18, 1973—Dies in Carmel, California.

From the newspapers

To find more

Search for the following terms in combination, proximity, or as phrases: jeannette (or jeanette) rankin, suffrage

Written by Catherine W. Ockey